Thoughts From Within
Friday, September 5, 2008
Does Anybody Hear Her?
The title of this post is the title of a song sung by Casting Crowns. Wow. It's a powerful song.

"She is yearning for shelter and affection that she never found at home. She is searching for a hero to ride in and save the walks her prince charming...he knows just what to say. Momentary lapse of reason and she gives herself away."

I don't by any means condone Christian and non-christian girls, alike, for running of with a boyfriend on "dreams" of marriage or even going so far as to get yourself pregnant out of wedlock. But it kind of reflects on what the home life is like, if you stop and think about it. One potential might be quiet and withdrawn while another may argue and buck their parents' decisions. Parents are probably frustrated with them either way. One might seem completely obedient for the most part, a "good kid", not a threat to anyone or anything. But all it takes is for rifts between parents, a parent not walking with the Lord, pressure being brought down on that girl's head for long periods of time that they feel like they can't breathe under the hand squeezing them. Desperation for someone to understand what they're going through might lead to feelings being shared with a "friend". When that "friend" responds positively to their emotional needs, the girl is then emotionally engaged and shares more and more. Her emotional attachment to that "friend" leads her to believe she's in love with him. He loves her. Love is all they need, right? Parents may not like the friend, but she doesn't care. She might see him openly or even secretly. Then one day, the day "he's" been patiently waiting for, she snaps and agrees to run off with him. Parents are devastated. One day down the road, be it a couple days or a couple years, he runs off and leaves her, maybe even pregnant, and she's devastated. Instead of turning to the Lord to fill her empty void, she turned to a man, a human, and once again she has an empty space in her life (an empty space that was always there that she tried to fill with him and for the most part was able to convince herself she had filled it) that she either fills with other worldly pleasures, another man, or finally admits to herself that God is the only one Who can fill that void. But the heart's already been broken, the mistake has already been made, and it takes a lot to repair a broken heart, and the mistake may not be fixable. Then there's the struggle to forgive herself for making that mistake. If she got pregnant, and heaven forbid she didn't make the second mistake of aborting the life she conceived in sin, then she has to live with that mistake and yet not see the child himself/herself as a mistake. The action was the mistake, the sin, but the child could not have made the choice for her and therefore the child is not to be blamed. She must learn to accept God's forgiveness for her sin as well as forgive herself. I think that once she has made the choice to turn from her sin to the Father, the hardest part afterwards is learning to forgive herself. I've never made that mistake, by the way, but I'm just saying. To have to forgive yourself for making that mistake has got to be the hardest decision to make aside from the initial decision to repent. And then there's the attempt to reconcile with their family. Coming home with a child and no husband can cause a lot more heartbreak from judgmental family members. It's awkward at first, and it might even be awkward for the rest of the child's life. If aunt's talk about the girl and her child to their children and then in playdates the cousins speak unkindly of the child, it can be very heart rending for the child. Not that I would know from personal experience, but you just...just know! The child didn't make that choice and they might take it as hate and rejection from others when they are poorly spoken of and gossiped about. Anyway, that's all I have for today.

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Slid down the rainbow at 8:43 PM
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